Friday, March 14, 2008

What a mess!

As I sit and watch all of the election coverage on the news and I am disheartened. Are my choices for President really limited to the three that are out there now? McCain, O'Bama and the Hil? I can't believe that the country has gone so far down that we are relegated to politicians who care more about their political careers than what is best for our country.
I believe that the time is coming that Americans will be picking up their "pitchforks and torches" and taking back this country. I don't know exactly what form this will be or if it will be ugly or not, we are a civil country that can vote our leaders out, so I don't see violence as the means.
There is just an overabundance of disconnect from Washington DC to the average Joe in this country. These people, both Rep and Dems are so far out there that something has got to give. They have NO idea what real life is like. That is all

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