Thursday, March 27, 2008

Goodbye Freedom

What is happening to the "Land of the Free?" Our freedoms are being wiped out day by day. In the name of security, safety, fairness.... (insert your own here) From health care to welfare to warfare. All of these are used by both of the political parities to push their agendas. The Dems want to take the earnings of the successful to give to the no so successful. The Reps are taking our privacy and touting security. From guns to political donations, our freedoms and rights are being stripped away.
I do not claim to have all of the answers. I do think we need to help the poor and sick, but where do we draw the line. Its proper to help people who entered into mortgages they can not afford, but not okay to help the businesses that employ these same people? We can bail out Bear-Sterns, but not help a single mom with a kid that has cancer? Where is the line that we want. There are some proper instances to help. but when is it our (private sector) job and when is it government's responsibility? How much more can we, as a tax paying nation, take on?
The figures of how much our country is in debt is staggering. We build social programs to help, then they explode in scope and cost. Medicare and Social Security are trillions in the hole. Can we really afford to tax and spend 13% of our GDP by socializing health care? We can only tax the "rich" so much. If we tax business too much they will pack up and leave. Wait, they already are. Like the rich or hate them, hey are who signs our paychecks and create the growth and wealth. The rich are the small business owners and large business executives alike.
I used to think that the Dems were for the middle class guy, but the more I look, it seems that they want to build a new Cuba. The thing they want is to make people dependant on them. When people find that they can vote themselves money, we have lost. Worse, when the people begin to think that the government is their only hope, we are finished. I used to think that the Reps were for the free market and the best shining through the people. Now, McCain spouts the same Liberal poppycock about UN and world government, that I just don't know anymore.
I miss the America of lore, you can be anybody and achieve anything if you work hard and use what God gave you. This is still the best country in the history of the world. We have more opportunities for more people than ever. Do we join Obama in changing it? What does he want to change it into. Do we join McCain in bringing the once Conservative Republican party more left and socialist? Do we get all of these jokers out of power and put real people in there. When do we realize that we are better off without them?

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