Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dems for Disaster

I think I now can say that the Democrats are out to destroy the USA. We are a country based and built in the last 100 years on oil. I do agree that we can and will move away from oil. but it will not happen any time soon and the Dems are dead set against drilling for any of the vast oil supplies that we have here. We do not even know how big the oil reserves that we have below our land and sea are.
The mantra that keeps coming from the left is that drilling now will have no quick impact on the price of oil. Well, I disagree, but even if it were true, we need to start looking to the long term here. If Clinton would have let oil companies drill in the 90's, we would have that oil in the supply today. If we would have been expanding our nuclear energy and natural gas supplies and power plants, we would not have the inflation that we are seeing now.
We need to send a message to the politicians that have sold out to the $ that comes from all lobby groups that they really work for us. That is a bipartisan slam. They are both in on the game. Its time to wake these jokers up or get them out.
Support lifting the ban on offshore drilling and all of the oil shale we have is just the first step in the long term solution to the most pressing issue we have, both economically and security.
Good job on the green remodel Al!

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