Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Birthday United States of America

The 4th of July is upon us. I love this country that I have been blessed to have been born in. The opportunity that we have here is something to be celebrated. We have had our black eyes and blemishes in the past, but there is no other country that harbors such freedom and chance to do as much in life as anybody wants. The standard of living we have is better than anywhere and anytime ever in the history of man. I think one of the great measuring tools for how good a country is would be to look at how many people try to get in vs how many are trying to get out. No other country has done more for the world than we have, from helping in crisis to building the economy of the world. We are kinder to all people here, no matter what the naysayers claim, than anywhere else. The thing that makes this country great is not the government, but the people. It is the single mom working two jobs to raise her kids. It is the small business person that grows his/her business and employs others that makes this country great. It is the big business that employs thousands that makes things cheaper and lets more people get them that drives us forward. The government is getting big now and is the biggest major factor in the slowing down and maybe will be the demise of the American dream. They have, both Republican and Democrat, done nothing but injure the American person over and over. I am not against the government, but I do believe that opportunity, liberty, freedom and big government do not exist together.
We have an important election coming up in November and we have the duty to vote for the Government that will do us the least harm, not that will give us the most. I still believe in the American Dream and I hope and pray that it will live on to my great-great-great grand kids. Freedom and liberty work, but only as long as the Government is not able to take them away.
God bless you and thank a solider, past or present when you look at all of the freedoms and security that we enjoy here in the USA.

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