Friday, August 29, 2008

Classless Obama, Classless

So, last night during the Obummer speech, McCain spends money to buy ads congratulating Obama on his historic feat. Today in a masterful move, McCain announces AK Gov Sarah Palin as his VP choice. So, I ask you, what is Obama's response? Congratulating Palin? Not quite, it went more like this:
“Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency. Governor Palin shares John McCain’s commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush’s failed economic policies — that’s not the change we need, it’s just more of the same,” spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement.

Yep, nice. I guess they seem to forget that as Governor of Alaska she has issues to hammer out with Russia and Canada. Not to mention that being a mayor and governor gives her more executive experience than Obama and Biden combined.

note: the Obama camp has since retracted and changed their statement, but its alreday done. I guess equal rights and woman and minority achievement only matters if you agree with them. Ask Thomas and Rice.

Another sidenote, lets compare resumes. Thanks to Copious Dissent for the video.

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