Monday, August 18, 2008

Obama gets Saddlebackked!

Yep, I watched the "debate" on Sat night, and McCain handed Obama his lunch. The MSM will spin this someway, McCain cheated, is one I already am hearing. One thing is sure now, Obama is not fit to lead America. He is not fit to lead the Rose Bowl Parade.
One telling thing for me was when Obama slammed Clarence Thomas for being underqualified. If that is not the pot calling the kettle black, I do not know what is. (Go ahead, point out the racist undertones!) Obama is a joke and will lose by a 49-1 or 48-2 margin, but the Republicians will still be accused of cheating. Sorry, I forgot that there are now 57 states. Obama will get the new 7 and lose 49-8 or 48-9.

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