Monday, January 26, 2009

What the he!!

Timothy "Tax cheat" Geithner was confirmed today 60-34. What is our country coming to? This is exactly what is going to lead some confused person to do something stupid. The government is way out of control. How can we expect government to work when we can't trust them? There are some good people in Washington, but the idiots are far outnumbering them. Trusting the federal government to sole this economic downturn is like letting rioters quell the riot.
We need to stand up and get out there, find good people and do whatever we can to get them elected. I do not care if they have a "R" or "D" or "LMNOP" by thier name, we need people with common sense and a good grasp on history so we can avoid the same mistakes we have made in the past. (New Deal) (Woodrow Wilson) (Central Planning) (pretty much anything coming out of DC since 1900)

One such person I can trust, I think.

This would be one example of someone I could trust and support.
Right now I'm "represented by Senator Amy Klobuchar and some other clown who is yet to be determined. Come election time, I will do all at my disposal, legally, to get someone in office that has some common sense and that I can trust.

We are at a very critical time in our counry. There are two main roads we can go down. We can get the United States back to where she should be or we can go twords being like Columbia or France. The choice is up to us.

Here is the roll call vote for the confirmation of the new secratary of thievery.

Just remember, the guy who is going to make sure we pay our taxes does not feel the need to pay his.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peace be with you