Thursday, April 10, 2008

Violent Kids

The videos that are being broadcast all over the news are really getting to me. There are two now that I have viewed this week. The first was the video of the high school girls beating another girl while a couple of boys stood as lookouts. There is another one I saw tonight of a student beating a teacher in the classroom while the other students watched.
These videos were going to be posted on U-tube. What has society come to? How have we fallen so far that kids are doing this for fun? Is it just for the 15 minutes of fame? Has the line between right and wrong been erased so far that we allow or even condone this type of behavior? Why? Is it the desensitization for violence that comes from glorifying and repeated exposure to it? Or, could it be this new social-progressive view that right and wrong are in the eye of the beholder?
I hear now of college students that don't deny the Holocaust, but will not condemn it as an atrosity or even wrong. "I can't put myself in the frame of mind of the Nazis" is the general idea. Can we not, in America, call a spade a spade? Everybody can justify any behavior or even blame someone else for what they did.
Why has it come to this? I believe there are several reasons. First off is the fall of the family. There are so many parents who will not be parents. They want to be friends or not to be inconvenienced by having to raise a child. Women giving birth outside of marriage. Men running from the woman when he learns that she is pregnant. We were designed to have a mother and a father raising us. The family needs to be brought back in society.
Secondly, we need to bring God back into our nation. The laws of this country are based on the Bible. With the eradication of God, the eradication of the Biblical value of others is lost. The love and caring for others is replaced with love of self and one's own desires. This lends itself to the kinds of spur of the moment events that are in the news.
Lastly, the role models that these kids have leave a lot to be desired. Athletes, actors, musicians, you pick them. These are some of the most dysfunctional people we have in society. They are lauded and raised up on a pedestal as what we should strive for. Brittni Spears, Randy Moss, Snoop Dogg, this is who the kids look at.
I think that all three are tied together. We need the kids to have discipline and good role models. This starts at home with the parents. Parents need to be the role models that kids look up to. they need to set the example for kids to follow. the best way to do this is to model themselves after Jesus. Of course with the secular progressive movement in America, i suppose that this will be illegal soon as well.

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