Thursday, May 1, 2008

Are there any left?

Are there any people left who do not turn to the government when there is trouble? People and people keep getting "smarter" but yet when I look back on the founders of this nation, I see a lot of brilliant men. They knew, they ran from a government that was huge and oppressive to form a new one that was small and limited. As we put people in power that are hungry for more and more power, our government becomes exactly what the founders split from. The more that we give to the knuckle-heads in Washington and in the state capitols, the less and less we have. Time and time again, government tries to solve a problem and just exacerbates it or creates a new and worse one. the answer to the bigger and worse problem? Give them more and more power to create more and more problems. Why do we keep trying to solve a problem with the exact same minds that created it? That is insanity!!!!!
I wonder if someone could win an election by running on the platform that the people do not need them? You don't need me in '08! I think that is has a good ring to it. When did we start electing people based on what they can give us? I think we should elect people, based on history, by who can do the least damage. Let the people go!

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