Monday, April 28, 2008

Mc Cain, what are you thinking?

John McCain is starting, no, continuing to scare me. Last week, he bashed the North Carolina GOP for running an ad that was factual. There was nothing that was inaccurate o misleading about it. He said that North Carolina was out of touch?
McCain is going to have a huge problem come November when the conservative voters turn out to pull the lever. I really think that the Republican Party is in big trouble. Not because the conservative ideal is dead, but because the Republican Party has swung so far left, that what brought it to power recently, namely Regan and Newt type policies, have been scuttled for centrist-left ideas.
This is what lead to the 2006 losses for the Republican Party. It was not that they were too conservative, but that they were too liberal. Regan did not get things done by compromising with and becoming like those that he disagreed with, but by showing them how he was right and sticking by his guns.
McCain may be setting himself up for a defeat in November and I fear that we will not be able to recover from a Clinton or Obama presidency coupled with a Democrat congress. Canada is looking better and better!

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