Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Free Ride for Obama

It seems to me that Barack Obama gets a free ride from the press. He has had so many gaffes and "mis speaks" that he would have been rolled right out of the race if he was a Republican. As a sidebar, if his wife is out stumping for him, she is fair game for scrutiny. He has said so many thing and has so many associations with shady characters that he scares me a lot. From saying that people are punished with babies to the quips about his uncle that liberated Auschwitz. Uh, the Russians did that one. I just saw that line and he is lying like a rug. I think that his lack of historical knowledge and pattern of ignorant foreign policy statements then retractions should put a huge dark cloud over him as a possible president. I have not even got to his plans for the USA yet. That would take me forever, but lets just say that we are soon going to be the UN of A.

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